Nutrients for plants with a short flowering time.
Very easy to use and ensures optimal conditions. Made by GREEN HOUSE
Nutrients for plants with a short flowering time.
Very easy to use and ensures optimal conditions.
Use clean tap water, at a temperature between 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.
(65 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit) Mix vigorously for 2-3 minutes
The mixed solution can be kept for up to 7 days, at room temperature, in a light-proof containe
N-P-K-Mg: 16+6+26+(2)
16% N Total Nitrogen
11% NS Nitrogen Nitrate
5% NA Nitrogen Ammoniacal
6% PO Nitrogen Phosphorus
26% KO Soluble Potassium
2% Mg Soluble Magnesium (=2% Mg)
0.02% B Souluble Boron
0.04% Cu Souluble Copper (As Chelate Form EDTA)
0.1% Fe Soluble Iron (As Chelate Form EDTA)
0.05% Mn Soluble Manganese (As Chelate From EDTA)
0.01% Mo Soluble Molybdenum
0.01% Zn Soluble Zinc (As Chelate From EDTA)
Concentration gr./Lt.
0.5 1
1.5 2
EC (mS)
1.4 1
2.6 2
These values are calculated starting from tap water at medium hardness with EC 0.7
Cusomer support!